Thom O'Leary - Update

Please Watch The Video!

 Special Gifts

  • An autographed copy of my latest book for donations of $100 or more (or $30 per month)
  • 4 private life coaching sessions with me and Sherri for donations of $1000 or more(or $250 per month)

Welcome Friends,

Thank you for joining me in receiving and spreading the words of Jesus.  Together, we make the world a better place.

Just as there are expenses in running a church and your tithes allow it to serve its mission, money is needed for me to continue serving our online community as I have been through regular podcasts, weekly messages and short inspirational videos. 

So, with a humble heart, I ask if you would be willing to make a donation to help me continue and expand my work.  You may choose a one-time contribution, or if you are able, I would be grateful for ongoing monthly support.  Whatever you are able to do, I am grateful for.

As my way of saying thank you, I’d like to give you a gift for especially generous donations:

  • An autographed copy of my latest book for donations of $100 or more (or $30 per month)
  • 4 private life coaching sessions with me and Sherri for donations of $1000 or more (or $250 per month)

Please know that whatever amount you can afford, it is greatly appreciated and helps spread the word of Jesus.