Battling Worry

Sometimes it is easy to fall into the trap that thinking that worrying is doing something for you.

However, all that worry is doing is draining you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This week, please join me to learn how Jesus tells us to overcome worry.

Jesus invites us not to worry about our life.

So how can we win the battle of worry?

Let’s find out right now!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

A Healthy Balance for Life

It’s easy to have certain areas of our life get out of control where we need to pump the brakes. Or, on the other hand, certain things that we know that we need to do, but never get around to it.

Join me this week to discover how God advises us to balance our lives.

The key to walking out a joyful fulfilling life is discovering God’s unforced rhythms of grace.

Let’s discover a healthy rhythm for life!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

The person you’re meant to be!

God wants to give you a vision for your life. He wants to shape you and mold you.

But sometimes we’re not sure exactly WHO we are meant to be.

Join me this week to answer the question “Who is God calling me to be?”

He wants to paint a picture of what your life could be.

Let’s discover your personal answer to “His best and the person you’re meant to be!”


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

Are You Thriving or Surviving?

A great question that we need to ask ourselves often is, “Am I thriving or surviving?”

If you’ve been feeling like you barely make it through each day, then join me for this week’s message.

Our goal is to be flourishing with God versus experiencing burnout.

Let’s find out how God can help us thrive in life!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

Finding Strength When You Feel Tired

We’ve all been there. Those times in life when we hit the wall, and feel completely depleted and exhausted.

God gives us good advice for handling times like this. Join me this week to hear what He says.

Sometimes when we’re in that space, we want permission to find the rest that we desperately need.

Guess what, God invites you to rest and find the strength when you feel tired!

Not only does God invite you to find strength, but he lets us know how to find strength.


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

SIX questions to ASK when making a BIG decision!

We all are faced with making big decisions in life. Should I take this job? Should I marry this person? Should we move?

Join me this week to learn how to get God’s guidance in BIG decisions.

Big decisions bring big consequences, whether positive or negative.

Based on God’s Word, I want to offer six questions to ask when making a big decision!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.